Past PADL Events
2006 PADL Annual Meeting
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Union 50 Club
1115 SE 1st, Lincoln City, Oregon
(turn east at the D River traffic
signal, blue building)
Theme: "Your
Lake and You" - Best Management Practices
agenda - breaks
as needed
9:30 Refreshments
and neighborhood get-together Marjorie
cinnamon rolls by Marjorie
10:00 Welcome and Call to Order Susie
County environmental manager Bill
systems including septic and the latest
Lincoln City Public Works
director Lila
systems including sewer and the latest
Devils Lake Water Improvement
District manager Paul Robertson
Patrol deputy Bob Jozwiak and Marine Patrol deputy Bob Brazel
the patrol boat.
Call of Board Members John
Election of Officers
Old Business
Board Goals from August 25, 2005
Septic Systems
New Business
Wood Duck and Bald Eagle report Al
Handout: "Your Lake and You!" by the North American Lake
Management Society
PADL membership information is available - new members welcome
Thanks to Marjorie Anderson for years of service to PADL and for making cinnamon
does a Lake Work? Connections is the most important concept to keep
in mind when considering how a lake works. Because of connections,
any change in one part of the lake's ecosystem affects the rest...
To assess your lakes' health is to study its connections.
Your lake & you!" 2001 North American Lake Management Society
2006 - International
Migratory Bird Day 2006
May 12, 2006 & Saturday, May 13, 2006
Union 50 Club - (1115 SE First St, east at the "D" River traffic light)
Theme: "The Boreal Forest: Bird Nursery of the North"
Click here for a boreal bird list
Oregon Coast Today magazine featured the local International Migratory Bird Day
celebration on the cover. Thanks to Niki and Dave Price. See
Thanks to Dawn Grafe from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for an informative
talk full of practical backyard habitat tips; Master Gardener Bruce Waugh for
his native plant talk with educational handout (contact PADL for a copy
of the native plant handout) and plant samples from his backyard (plant
hedgerows for birds, avoid pesticides); PADL member Al Rice with his video from
inside and outside the wood duck nest box; Union 50 Club for the facility and
boat dock; Dave and Niki Price at Oregon Coast Today; News Times; The News Guard;
Trillium Natural Foods for the donation of shade-grown coffee; Chris Christensen
at Trillium for gathering together an assortment of refreshments including root
beer floats; PADL members Smokey Aschenbrenner for setting up, cleaning up, making
coffee and helping with refreshments; PADL members Margaret Kerr, Charmian Mass,
and Lenny Nelson. Thanks to PADL member Gary Riback for boat rides; Judy Cleveland;
Kathleen Nickerson from the Audubon Society of Lincoln City for children's activities
and Barbara Herkert for donation of her books "Birds in Your Backyard with
Binoculars" for a drawing. Over 20 species of birds were tallied during
a 7:00 am walk from the Union 50 Club to the D River Wayside to the D River Open
Space. Species included swallows, surf scoter and spotted sandpipers. Thanks
to PADL for working with others to preserve the D River Open Space - providing
habitat. The weather
was beautiful. Susie Fischer, PADL chair
Friday, May 12, 2006 at 7pm
Speaker: Dawn Grafe, Refuge Operations Specialist, Oregon Coast National Wildlife
Refuge Complex, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Topic: Is your backyard wildlife habitat experiencing some setbacks? If racoons,
neighborhood cats, bears and rats are unwelcome guests in your yard; if disease
has plagued your feeders; if starlings and house sparrows are the only birds
nesting in your boxes then join in on this one hour presentation to get some
practical tips to alleviate some of your backyard habitat woes.
Report:Around 27 attended, had root beer floats. Dawn's PowerPoint presentation
was well received. She brought nest box and bird feed samples - mentioned the
cat problem.
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2006
1) 7am - Self-guided bird watching at the D River Open Space and West Devils
Lake State Park wetlands, Meet at the Union 50 Club
Bring your binoculars, bird books and scopes to spot as many species as you
Last year there were around 25 species tallied - see below for last years tally
Report: Tallied 21 species walking from the Union 50 Club to the D River Wayside
to the D River Open Space. Bird tally - brown-headed cowbird, American crow,
rock dove, Pacific slope flycatcher, American goldfinch, Canada Goose, Western
gull, Great Blue Heron, mallard, American robin, spotted sandpiper, surf scoter,
house sparrow, song sparrow, white-crowned sparrow, European starling, barn
swallow, violet-green swallow, spotted towhee, Wilson's warbler, yellow warbler.
2) 9:00am - 11:00am - Children's activities led by Kathleen Nickerson, President
of the Audubon Society of Lincoln City - 30 minute bird identification presentation,
IMBD poster coloring, over 60 plush birds with authentic bird sounds from the
Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Drawing for "Birds in Your Backyard with Binoculars" by
Barbara Herkert
Report: coloring, bird bingo, wood duck video, drawing for the books
3) 9:30am - Self-guided kayaking and canoeing on Devils Lake
Devils Lake orientation and map for boaters with PADL member Al Rice at East
Devils Lake State Park
Chemeketans plan to meet at East Devils Lake State Park around 9:30am
Report: Had about 7 kayaks and 9 people. Met Al around 9:30 and then arrived
at Union 50 Club around noon to eat lunch and see video.
4) 10:30am or so
Speaker: PADL member Al Rice - Devils Lake wood duck nest box coordinator
Topic: Wood ducks of Devils Lake
Over 30 wood duck nest boxes have been placed around Devils Lake. Al has video
showing the eggs, ducklings and mother inside the nest box - and video of the
ducklings jumping out of the box
Report: Al spoke to around 30 at 10:45 and then the 9 kayakers at 12:00.
5) 1:00pm
Speaker: Master Gardener Bruce Waugh - who has been gardening on the Oregon
Coast for over 25 years - former native plant gardener at the Oregon Coast
Aquarium and a member of the Lincoln County Mycological Society, Oregon Native
Plant Society and The Nature Conservancy.
Topic: Native plants that attract birds
Report: He brought native plant cuttings from his yard. His handout included
native plant names, the kind of bird it attracts, where to buy native plants,
and a list of books, a website address and organizations to find out more about
native plants. Oregon State University Extension Service manages the Master
Gardener program.
Displays: Saturday, 8am - IMBD Theme table with educational
pamphlets, bird identification and sounds, bird lists, migration maps,
backyard habitat with native plants, Lincoln City Open Spaces (featuring
the Devils Lake watershed), The Beauty of Birds in Books, Bats, Owls and of
PADL member Al Rice and his Devils Lake wood duck display.
annual meeting - July 30, 2005, Union 50 Club - Thanks
to the following:
Jason Wagoner, West Devils Lake State Park ranger - thanked
PADL for a support letter to acquire a grant for an interpretive wetlands trail.
The trail was started over ten years ago. Oregon Youth Conservation Corps youth
were working on the trail the Monday after the PADL annual meeting - replacing
wood sides with recycled materials that should last 50 years. The trail is planned
to be ADA accessible and wide enough for two wheelchairs to pass. All PADL members
are invited to walk the trail next spring when it is scheduled for completion.
Fawn Custer, outreach educator at the Oregon
State University Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, for aquatic
invasive species talk. The HMSC has a new exhibit called "Invasion
of the Habitat Snatchers." Fawn is putting together a traveling trunk
of information to take to high schools, adults, and events like the PADL
annual meeting. She had preserved specimens of invasives in resin. The
Oregon Sea Grant video, "You Ought to Tell Somebody" about the
Chinese Mitten Crab, was shown at the August 27 PADL meeting as a follow-up
to the annual meeting.
Michael Liu, researcher and senior aquarist
at the OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center and doctoral student at OSU,
for his talk about New Zealand Mud Snails. Michael needs help from
lakefront property owners to do his research. Contact him at
His research may one day help Yellowstone Park, which has a NZMS infestation
- as well as Devils Lake.
Joe Eilers, MaxDepth Aquatics, Inc. in Bend
for presenting his report for the Devils Lake Water Improvement District
about paleolimnology of the lake core sediment sample, bathymetry (depth)
and updated lake map. Attendees received three pages of handouts that included
a color map of the lake.
Dennis Dotson, Lincoln County Sheriff, for
safety information and suggestions.
Bob Brazel, Quentin Bendel, Don Brossow -
marine patrol deputies - for answering questions and showing their patrol
boat. Nice Boat!
Michael Bishopp, Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) Coordinator for the City of Lincoln City, for watershed infrastructure
Al Rice, wood duck box and bald eagle nest
monitor, for the latest statistics.
Thanks to Marjorie Anderson for homemade cinnamon rolls and muffins! - Charmian Mass, Carole and Allan Kramer for refreshment help - Smokey Aschenbrenner for making coffee and facility help - Union 50 Club for meeting space. Thanks to everyone who took time on a beautiful summer day to attend! Attendees asked great questions.
The News Guard and The News Times for advertising our event
- Over 1,000 residents in the Devils Lake Watershed were
sent direct mail notification of the annual meeting.
PADL members can order a DVD of presentations by Joe Eilers and Michael Liu.
See contact info below.
2005 - International Migratory Bird Day
- May 13 & 14, 2005 -
Union 50 Club
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Van Burrus & Roger
Smith provided boat rides during the Migratory Bird Day Festival
101" class - Friday, 7pm
Nussman, Environmental Education & Outreach Specialist, Oregon Coast
National Wildlife Refuge Complex, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service taught
an informative class on birding basics. The class was attended by 35 people.
Bird Walk
to the D River Open Space - Saturday, 7am
Tom Gawronski,
Park Ranger, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department in Newport led 14 attendees.
Amazing to note the number of bird species from the Union 50 Club parking
lot to the D River Open Space. Many were identified by sound as hidden
in shrubs at the D River Open Space.
Bird list included: red-winged
blackbird, black-capped
chickadee, chestnut-backed
chickadee, brown-headed
cowbird, american
crow, rock
dove, purple
finch, american
goldfinch, canada
goose (greater), western
gull, belted
kingfisher, mallard, american
robin, spotted
sandpiper, English
house sparrow, white-crowned
sparrow, tree
swallow, violet green swallow, barn swallow, vaux's
swift, caspian
tern, orange-crowned
warbler, cedar waxwing,
common yellowthroat. The boaters later
in the day saw additional species.
combination of a beginning birding class at night and a walk the next
morning to practice what was learned in the class was a winning combination,
except for the rain on the morning walk.
Wood duck video, boat rides, kayaks, displays, music
- Saturday
PADL member Al Rice shared
his latest video about wood duck nest boxes to rave reviews. PADL members Van
Burrus and Roger Smith happily gave boat rides. Roger Smith drove here special
from the Portland area to give boat rides! Laminated bird signs were placed
at the D River Open Space for self-guided bird walks.
Displays included: IMBD theme with plate glass decal information, bird
sounds, naturescaping and habitat ideas, binocular and spotting scopes, beauty
of birds in books, migration maps, wood duck and "Winged Migration" videos,
wood duck nest box, and Lincoln City Open Space information for self-guided walks.
New this year was a bat cave display. Thanks to Chester Noreikis for constructing
a large, black bat box for this event.
Salem Audubon Society and Chemeketans visited in brightly colored kayaks (around
10 kayaks) and stayed to eat their lunches while viewing Al's wood duck nest
box video.
Steve Pardo from Hebo and JeanE from Pacific City played acoustic
folk and bluegrass music.
addition to the above - Thanks to the Union 50 Club for use of their facility,
The News Guard's Karen Vittek for great publicity in the Central Coast
Currents, KBCH Radio, Lincoln City VCB Director Sandy Pfaff for writing
press releases and support, Lincoln City administrative assistant Delane
Engelstad for help, News Times, Trillium Natural Foods Grocery for shade-grown
coffee, Judy and Russ Cleveland and Verena Snipes for children's activities
help. Thanks to the following PADL members for overall everything plus
more: Margaret Kerr and Smokey Aschenbrenner for continental breakfast
(also Union 50 Club members), Allan and Carol Kramer for refreshment serving,
Chester Noreikis for bat box construction, John Lazier for binocular and
spotting station and DVD player, Susie Fischer for entertainment scheduling,
Charmian Mass for children's activities.
Sponsored by the Preservation Association of Devils Lake, Union 50 Club, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service. For information about International Migratory Bird
Day see
Photos: R. Erickson
Added note: The Oregon Coast Birding Trail - see
American Coot (USFWS), IMBD 2004, Al Rice with video camera, Union 50 Club
site map
Copyright © 2003-2011 Preservation Association of Devils Lake (PADL).
All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 36
Lincoln City, OR 97367